In the tradition of text-based adventures, use simple commands to unravel the mystery of the ancient tomb. Why is that beautiful woman crying? And what's the deal with that sarcophagus and those jars...? 

Use "Examine" and "Take" to gather information and items, and then "Talk to X" and  "Give Y to X" to interact with NPCs! For example, "Take jar" or "Give Food to Isis." (NOTE - you can't actually give food to Isis, Food isn't an item in the game. Also, be careful what you Give to characters-- you may give away a key item and not be able to get it back, making you "stuck" for the rest of the game.) 

You specify what you examine; eg, "Examine Hieroglyphics"

Simple commands:

"Examine" or "X" for shorthand

"Look" or "L" for looking around the room, to re-orient yourself to the room's description.

Use "North," "South," "East" or "West" to navigate, or "n," "s," "e" or "w" for shorthand.

This game is still under construction! If you feel stuck, try examining everything, taking and opening everything, and moving any of the four directions to explore different rooms. 

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